If You Have A Blocked Drain, You Might Need A Plumber To Clear It

So many times when we have a blocked or stopped up drain in our homes we tend to think, that it will be easy to clear it, so we run out to the hardware store and buy the latest handy dandy drain cleaning wire or device. This might work in some situations where the clog is close to the drain, and it is not impacted too much, but if it is located at the end of the line, you will never reach it in this manner.

Different drains and pipes have a “personality” all their own, and they will clog up, or partially clog up at different times and in different ways. You may have a partially clogged drain where the next banana peel you put through the garbage disposal is all that it needs to clog it up good. Then when you attempt to run your puny, hardware store clog remover through your 150-foot pipe, while your drain device is only 50 long, you will meet with nothing but some hard work and frustration.

A good plumber will come to your house well equipped to handle any drain clog, no matter what it is. He will have drain cleaning equipment that will handle any job. More than likely it will be a motorised drain snake that will be mounted on a stand, and all he has to do is turn it on and run it through the pipe. In no time at all the water will be flowing and you will be a happy home resident.

In some cases, a do-it-yourself remedy will work. The problem is that there may be other issues than just the pipe being clogged, and an experienced plumber will be able to detect. If you owned a motorised drain cleaner, (which you probably do not), there is the chance that you could do damage to the pipe itself. It is always wise to call in a professional because that is their field and they will be more likely to find and solve more serious problems if they exist.

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